How to change 320% into a decimal and a fraction

To change 320% into a decimal, you divide it by 100.

Step 1: Divide 320 by 100.

320 ÷ 100 = 3.2

So, 320% as a decimal is 3.2.

To convert 320% into a fraction, you can express it as a fraction with a denominator of 100.

Step 1: Write 320% as 320/100.

Step 2: Simplify the fraction, if possible.

320/100 = 16/5

Therefore, 320% as a fraction is 16/5.

To change 320% into a decimal, you divide the percentage by 100.

320% divided by 100 = 3.2

So, 320% as a decimal is 3.2.

To change 3.2 into a fraction, you write it as a fraction over 1 and simplify.

3.2/1 = 16/5

Therefore, 320% as a fraction is 16/5.

Move the decimal two places to the left.

320% = 3.20 = 3 20/100 = 3 1/5