AWhen it is time to leave the part, the familhy could only drive at 60 km/h in the mountains. How long would it take them to travl the 270 km to their home? How fast would they need to travel to make the trip in 3h? I want to see how i write the formula and then get my answer. Thank you

Distance / speed = time

270/60 = ____ hours


To calculate the time it would take for the family to travel the 270 km to their home at a speed of 60 km/h, you can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

In this case, the distance is 270 km and the speed is 60 km/h. Plugging these values into the formula:

Time = 270 km / 60 km/h

The unit of distance (kilometers) cancels out with the unit of speed (kilometers per hour), leaving us with the time in hours. Simplifying the expression:

Time = 4.5 hours

Therefore, it would take the family 4.5 hours to travel the 270 km to their home at a speed of 60 km/h.

To calculate the speed required to make the trip in 3 hours, you can rearrange the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Plugging in the values, with the distance still being 270 km and the time now being 3 hours:

Speed = 270 km / 3 hours

Simplifying the expression:

Speed = 90 km/h

Therefore, the family would need to travel at a speed of 90 km/h to make the trip in 3 hours.

In summary, to calculate the time it would take to travel a given distance at a specific speed, use the formula Time = Distance / Speed. If you want to calculate the speed required to travel a specific distance in a given time, use the formula Speed = Distance / Time.