75 + -63 + 7( 115/ -5 + (-8)2 )

-63 is -6 to the third power and (-8)2 is (-8)to the 2nd power. I got 15913 I think that that is wrong and my calculater wouldn't fit all the numbers so I don't know how to check it! Can you please try it so I can double check answers?

it is wrong. You don't have to do it all in your calculator. Do pieces, then add them.

I did I used the order of operations Prenthesis Exponets Multiplication Divison Addition Subration what did I do wrong?

I have no idea.

what is division of exponent

Let's break down the expression step by step to see where the mistake might have occurred.

Given expression: 75 + -63 + 7(115/-5 + (-8)^2)

Step 1: Evaluate the exponents.
(-8)^2 = (-8) * (-8) = 64

Step 2: Simplify the division.
115 / -5 = -23

Step 3: Evaluate the expression inside the parentheses.
115 / -5 + (-8)^2 = -23 + 64 = 41

Step 4: Calculate the multiplication outside the parentheses.
7 * 41 = 287

Finally, add up all the values:
75 + (-63) + 287 = 299

So, the correct answer is 299.