I have to define function. Would it be a set of possible input values? Not sure if I worded it correct.

A function, in mathematics, is usually written as an equation. It is designed to show relationships between a set of numbers and a different set of numbers.

Go to en.wikipedia and type:

Function (mathematics)

No, that's not the correct definition of a function. A function is a mathematical concept that relates an input value to an output value. It is a rule or relation that assigns each element of a set of inputs to exactly one element of a set of outputs. In a function, each input value is associated with exactly one output value.

So, to define a function, you need to specify the rule or relation that maps the inputs to the outputs. This can be done using various representations such as a mathematical formula, a graph, a table, or a verbal description.

For example, let's define a function called "square" that takes a number as input and returns the square of that number as output. We can represent this function as f(x) = x^2, where f(x) represents the output (also denoted as y) and x represents the input.

To determine if a set of input values is valid for a function, you need to check if each input value is uniquely associated with an output value. In other words, there should not be any ambiguity or multiple outputs for a single input in a valid function.