I find these questions so difficult! I've been trying to solve them but I just can't. As they are diagrams they are hard to express in words, so the questions are the links below:

1) tinypic(.)com/r/25z7486/7
2) tinypic(.)com/r/4uhrg3/7
3) tinypic(.)com/r/juu9zs/7

(remove brackets when pasting into address bar)

thank you so much!!

1. x + 62 = 180

x = 118

y + 62 + 44 = 180
y = .....

2. looks like the square is 7by7 or 49 square units
rectangle has only one side given
(x+2)(width) = 49

3. not similar since
6 : 8 : 12 ≠ 9 : 10 : 15

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