a laptop charges up by 15 % every 20 minutes. How much charged will be after two hours?

In every hour, there are 3 sets of 15 minute blocks. So in 2 hrs, there are 8 sets. What is 8x15%?

Wait. Mistake.

In each hour, there are 3 sets of 20 minutes. 2 hours has 6 20 minute sets.

6x15% = ?


To determine how much the laptop will be charged after two hours, we first need to find out how many increments of 20 minutes are in two hours.

Step 1: Calculate the number of increments:
There are 60 minutes in an hour, so:
2 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 120 minutes

Next, we calculate the number of 20-minute increments:
120 minutes / 20 minutes per increment = 6 increments

Step 2: Calculate the total charge:
Since the laptop charges up by 15% every 20 minutes, we need to calculate the total percentage increase after 6 increments.

Increase per increment = 15%
Total increase after 6 increments = 15% * 6 = 90%

Step 3: Calculate the total charge after two hours:
Add the total increase to the starting charge of the laptop. Since it starts at 0% (uncharged), the total charge after 2 hours will be:
Starting charge + Total increase = 0% + 90% = 90%

Therefore, the laptop will be charged up to 90% after two hours.