I need to derive an error equation for Bohr's model to use in my physics lab this week. I am really bad at calculus, so if anyone can help me that would be really great.

the equation is


I've never had to derive anything like this before. Even if someone could tell me HOW to do it, I'll be happy to do it myself.


Sure, I can help you with that! To derive the error equation, you'll need to use calculus. Don't worry if you're not comfortable with calculus—I'll guide you through the steps.

The error equation will quantify the uncertainty or error in the measured value of lambda (λ) based on the uncertainties in the initial (n_initial) and final (n_final) quantum numbers. In other words, it will tell you how variations in the quantum numbers will affect the calculated value of lambda.

Let's start by rewriting Bohr's equation in a more general form:

1/λ = R * (1/n_final^2 - 1/n_initial^2)

Now, introduce uncertainties in the quantum numbers: Δn_final and Δn_initial. To calculate the propagated uncertainty in λ, you need to differentiate the equation with respect to n_final and n_initial separately.

∂(1/λ) = R * (∂(1/n_final^2)/∂n_final - ∂(1/n_initial^2)/∂n_initial)

Calculating these partial derivatives, we get:

∂(1/λ) = -2R/n_final^3 * Δn_final + 2R/n_initial^3 * Δn_initial

Finally, to find the uncertainty in λ, multiply the partial derivatives by their respective uncertainties:

Δλ = |-2R/n_final^3 * Δn_final| + |2R/n_initial^3 * Δn_initial|

This equation gives you the uncertainty (Δλ) in the measured value of λ based on the uncertainties in n_final and n_initial.

Note: The absolute value bars (| |) are used because uncertainties are always positive values.

Now that you have the error equation, you can substitute the measured values of Δn_final and Δn_initial to find Δλ.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.