Do you agree or disagree that persistence is the major factor in success, and that talent, genius,and exucation play, at best, secondary roles? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studing, expierence, or observation

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Title: The Role of Persistence in Achieving Success

The question of whether persistence plays a major role in achieving success, while talent, genius, and education play secondary roles, sparks a debate in the realm of personal development and achievement. This essay will argue that persistence plays a crucial role in success, with talent, genius, and education serving as complementary factors. Through examining various sources and drawing upon personal observations and experiences, this essay will support the view that persistence is the key to accomplishing one's goals while acknowledging the significance of other factors.


1. Defining Persistence and Success:
To set a foundation for the discussion, it is essential to define the terms "persistence" and "success." Persistence refers to the ability to continue striving towards a goal despite challenges and setbacks, while success is the achievement of desired outcomes and goals.

2. The Power of Persistence:
a. Overcoming Obstacles: Persistent individuals exhibit resilience in the face of challenges, which allows them to surmount obstacles that deter others from pursuing their goals.
b. Perseverance in Failure: Persistence enables individuals to learn from failures and setbacks, providing valuable experience that can lead to eventual success.
c. Learning and Growth: The efforts exerted during persistent pursuit of a goal often result in valuable learning experiences, personal growth, and the acquisition of skills and knowledge.

3. Talent, Genius, and Education as Complementary Factors:
While persistence is proven to be vital, talent, genius, and education contribute in significant but complementary ways to the overall success equation.
a. Talent: Although talent may provide individuals with a natural advantage in certain areas, it is important to recognize that it is only a starting point. Talent alone does not guarantee success; it must be paired with dedication and long-term commitment.
b. Genius: Genius, defined as exceptional intellectual or creative ability, certainly possesses the potential for significant achievements. However, without persistence, genius alone may not be sufficient to capitalize on those abilities.
c. Education: Education provides individuals with knowledge, skills, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. While education enhances one's chances of success, it is ultimately one's persistence that determines how effectively they utilize their education.

4. Examples of Persistent Individuals:
Historical figures such as Thomas Edison, who failed numerous times before inventing the light bulb, and Walt Disney, who experienced repeated rejections before finding success, illustrate the power of persistence in achieving greatness. These individuals showcased how tenacity, coupled with talent, can lead to remarkable achievements.


In conclusion, while talent, genius, and education undoubtedly have their merits, they are best utilized when combined with persistence. Persistence empowers individuals to overcome obstacles, learn from failures, and grow as they pursue their goals. It is the unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of success that ultimately separates those who achieve their aspirations from those who fall short. Therefore, persistence should be considered as the major factor in success, with talent, genius, and education playing supportive roles. By maintaining a focus on persistence and pairing it with complementary factors, individuals can maximize their chances of achieving their desired outcomes.