Durning the industrial revolution, as the expansion of industry happened and the scale and volume of production increased, what impact did this have on the market system?

How do you define "market system?"

the economy so how did the expansion of the industry during the industrial revolution effect the economy during that time?

The economy boomed!

Labor was cheap. Goods were sold. Profits were made!

During the Industrial Revolution, the expansion of industry led to significant changes in the market system. Let me explain the impact it had:

1. Increased Production: The Industrial Revolution brought about the use of machinery and new manufacturing techniques, leading to a substantial increase in production. This resulted in a greater supply of goods and services available in the market.

2. Lower Costs: With the use of machinery, mass production techniques, and economies of scale, the cost of producing goods reduced significantly. Lower production costs meant that products could be sold for lower prices, making them more affordable and accessible to consumers.

3. Expanded Markets: The increased production and lower prices made goods and services accessible to a larger market. As more people could afford to buy products, the customer base expanded, leading to increased demand and further growth of the market.

4. Specialization and Division of Labor: The industrial revolution led to the specialization of labor and the division of tasks in production processes. This allowed workers to focus on specific tasks, increasing efficiency and productivity. Specialization also led to the emergence of new industries and the diversification of products available in the market.

5. Global Trade: The rise of industrialization and the expansion of transportation networks facilitated global trade. The market system expanded beyond local and national boundaries, allowing for the exchange of goods and services on a global scale. This resulted in the development of international commerce and increased interconnectivity between markets worldwide.

6. Market Competition: The industrial revolution introduced a higher level of competition in the market system. With more manufacturers producing similar goods, businesses had to improve their products and find ways to differentiate themselves. This competition pushed companies to innovate, improve quality, and employ marketing strategies to attract customers.

Overall, the Industrial Revolution had a transformative impact on the market system. It led to increased production, lowered costs, expanded markets, specialization, global trade, and heightened competition. These changes formed the foundation for modern capitalist economies and shaped the way market systems function today.