What is the hybridization of trioxo nitrate v ions ?

To determine the hybridization of a molecule or ion, we need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Count the total number of valence electrons in the molecule or ion.
Trioxo nitrate(V) ion, denoted as NO3^-, consists of one nitrogen atom (N) and three oxygen atoms (O).

Nitrogen and oxygen are both in Group 16 (or Group VI) of the periodic table, so they each have 5 and 6 valence electrons, respectively.

Total valence electrons:
Nitrogen (N): 5 valence electrons
Oxygen (O): 6 valence electrons (x 3) = 18 valence electrons

Total = 5 (from N) + 18 (from O) + 1 (since NO3^- has a -1 charge) = 24 valence electrons

Step 2: Determine the central atom.
In NO3^-, nitrogen (N) is the central atom, surrounded by three oxygen atoms.

Step 3: Connect the surrounding atoms (oxygen) to the central atom (nitrogen) using single bonds.
Since there are three oxygen atoms surrounding nitrogen, we can connect them using three single bonds:


Step 4: Distribute the remaining valence electrons to complete the octets of the surrounding atoms.
Since each oxygen has 6 valence electrons, and each bond uses 2 electrons, we subtract 6 electrons (2x3) from the total number of valence electrons:
24 valence electrons - 6 electrons = 18 electrons

We distribute the remaining 18 electrons around the oxygen atoms, giving each oxygen atom an octet.

Step 5: Count how many lone pairs are left on the central atom.
After distributing the electrons, count how many valence electrons are left on the central atom (nitrogen). In this case, nitrogen has 2 lone pairs of electrons.

Step 6: Determine the hybridization.
The hybridization of an atom is determined by the number of sigma bonds formed by its central atom and the number of lone pairs on the central atom.

In the case of NO3^-, nitrogen forms three sigma bonds with the three surrounding oxygen atoms. Nitrogen also has two lone pairs.

Since nitrogen is connected to three atoms and has two lone pairs, the hybridization is sp2.

Therefore, the hybridization of the trioxo nitrate(V) ion (NO3^-) is sp2.