Before the Spanish-American War, yellow journalism:

A. endorsed a policy of isolationism.
B. wrote editorials that criticized American imperialism.
C. refused to write about foreign affairs.
D. used sensationalism to stir up war fever.
I think the answer is D.

As a result of the Spanish-American War:

A. Theodore Roosevelt emerged as an anti-imperialist.

B. William McKinley expressed the desire to acquire the Philippines.

C. Congress voted to declare Philippine independence.

D. William McKinley was not reelected.
I think the answer is B.

You are correct!

Before the Spanish-American War, yellow journalism used sensationalism to stir up war fever. This is answer choice D. Yellow journalism played a significant role in shaping public opinion and creating a pro-war sentiment in the United States, particularly regarding the situation in Cuba.

As for the result of the Spanish-American War, answer choice B is correct. William McKinley expressed the desire to acquire the Philippines as a result of the war. The United States did eventually acquire the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam as territories from Spain through the Treaty of Paris in 1898.

For the first question about yellow journalism before the Spanish-American War, the answer is indeed D. Yellow journalism refers to the practice of using sensationalism and exaggeration in news reporting to attract readers and stir up emotions. In this context, yellow journalism was used to generate war fever and create public support for the U.S. government's involvement in the Spanish-American War.

Now, moving on to the second question about the outcome of the Spanish-American War, the correct answer is indeed B. Following the war, President William McKinley expressed the desire to acquire the Philippines. This desire for territorial expansion was evident in the debate surrounding the Treaty of Paris in 1898, which ultimately resulted in the United States acquiring the Philippines as a result of the war with Spain.

It's great to see that you arrived at the correct answers. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

Both answers are right.