f(x) = (5e^x-6)/(17e^x+13) find f^-1(x). then: the domain of f^-1 (x) is in the open interval (a, b) find a and b


To find the inverse, follow the following steps:
1. invert x and y
2. solve for y in terms of x
take log on both sides:
y = f-1(x) = ln((-6-13x)/(17x-15))
3. check if f(f-1(x))=x
4. plot both f(x) and f-1(x) on the same graph. They should be mirror images of each other about the y=x line.

I leave it to you as an exercise to find the domain of f-1(x).
The domain is the intersection of the domain of the numerator and denominator.
In addition, for a log function, the argument to the log function must be non-negative.