f(x)= -(-2)^3+11(-2)^2-8(-2)+7 find f(-2)


Yes, correct.

To find f(-2), we need to substitute -2 into the given function f(x) and simplify the equation.

Given: f(x) = -(-2)^3 + 11(-2)^2 - 8(-2) + 7

Step 1: Substitute -2 for x in the function:
f(-2) = -(-2)^3 + 11(-2)^2 - 8(-2) + 7

Step 2: Simplify the equation using the order of operations (BIDMAS/PEMDAS):
Start by solving the exponent:
(-2)^3 = -8 (negative sign remains in the final answer because we have an odd exponent and a negative base)

Next, calculate the remaining terms:
f(-2) = -(-8) + 11(-2)^2 - 8(-2) + 7

Simplifying further:
f(-2) = 8 + 11(4) + 16 + 7

Step 3: Perform the multiplication and addition:
f(-2) = 8 + 44 + 16 + 7
f(-2) = 75

Therefore, f(-2) = 75.