As health care manager what two strategies would you consider to help build internal and external relationships that could benefit your organizations?

Since the words "you" and "your" are part of the assignment, your instructor must want YOU to answer this question.

What good are you people if you're not going to help her out??

As a healthcare manager, building strong internal and external relationships is essential for the success and growth of your organization. Here are two strategies you can consider:

1. Enhancing Internal Relationships:

To build strong internal relationships within your organization, you can focus on the following strategies:

a. Effective Communication: Foster open and transparent communication channels among all staff members. Encourage frequent and meaningful conversations, both formal and informal, to exchange ideas, concerns, and feedback. Use various communication tools like team meetings, emails, newsletters, and intranet platforms.

b. Team Building: Organize team-building activities and collaborative projects to encourage teamwork and foster positive relationships among employees. This can include off-site retreats, team-building exercises, or even regular social events. Recognize and reward individual and team achievements to boost morale and build camaraderie.

c. Professional Development: Invest in training and development programs to encourage the growth and advancement of your employees. Provide opportunities for continuous learning, skill enhancement, and career development. This will not only increase employee engagement but also improve the overall expertise within the organization.

2. Building External Relationships:

To strengthen external relationships that benefit your organization, consider the following strategies:

a. Community Engagement: Actively participate in community events, health fairs, and local initiatives. Establish partnerships with community organizations, local healthcare providers, and stakeholders. This can help raise awareness about your organization, foster trust, and create referral networks.

b. Collaborative Alliances: Seek collaborations and alliances with other healthcare institutions, providers, and professionals. This can include joint ventures, partnerships, or shared resources. These collaborations can lead to knowledge sharing, cost savings, improved service offerings, and increased access to specialized care.

c. Patient and Provider Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from patients, their families, and referring healthcare providers. Implement mechanisms such as surveys, suggestion boxes, and online feedback portals. Actively listen and respond to their concerns, suggestions, and needs. This approach demonstrates a commitment to quality improvement and patient-centered care, thereby enhancing external relationships.

Remember, building strong relationships requires ongoing effort, consistent communication, and a focus on mutual understanding and benefit.