for the equation y = y0 + vy0t +

at^2/2, how to I get t alone. Im looking to slove for time

If you know the location (y) and have to solve for time, you must solve a quadratic equation.

You probably learned how to do that in algebra class.

(a/2)t^2 + vy0*t + (y0 - y) = 0

Let a/2 = A; vy0 = B and y0 - y = C

t = [-B +/-sqrt(B^2 -4AC)]/2A

Of the two answers, take the one that gives you a positive value for t.

To solve for time (t) in the equation y = y0 + vy0t + (at^2)/2, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the given equation: y = y0 + vy0t + (at^2)/2.

2. Rearrange the equation by moving all the terms without t to one side. In this case, we'll move y0 and (at^2)/2 to the right side:
y - y0 - (at^2)/2 = vy0t.

3. Divide both sides of the equation by vy0 to isolate t:
(y - y0 - (at^2)/2) / vy0 = t.

At this point, you have isolated t as the subject of the equation. Therefore, the expression on the right side [(y - y0 - (at^2)/2) / vy0] gives the value of time (t).