Im doing this budget project thing, and Im pretending to buy a TV, I want to buy one at the cheapest price, so I went to

h t t p : // w w w . shaw . c a / Television/

And the data plan is $29.95. But how much would the TV cost to buy? And I need a source for it, so would source be shaw? Or would it be an actual store from where I got the TV from?

On the website, what is the title?

Shaw is the title on the website.

And what guidelines are you using? MLA? APA?

Im doing neither MLA or APA, Im not doing a works cited page.

This is an example of what Im trying to do:

Item: Price Source/Info
Shower Curtain


Sears . ca Bed and Bath – Kashmir Copper

SO Im trying to buy a cheap deal TV, and I went on Shaw, so ....

Item would be:



Do you have to cite it? Or just refer to it?

If you're going to refer to the website, then just the title and the URL between < > brackets should be enough.

If you need to cite it, then Google MLA or APA to find a website to help you with citations.

What price were you given?

Just refer to it.

Oh. Ok.

The price was $29.95 for the monthly plan, but I don't know how much the actual TV costs?

How many months? If you can't find that out from the website, then you should probably call the actual store and speak to a real person!! And be sure to ask what any fees are, too. Sometimes they like to tack extras on, but don't tell you until you've already made up your mind.

Sorry, I got the internet and the TV costs mixed up. The TV cost is $39.95--and its digital TV. For 6 months.

Above the digital TV heading, it says--
Connect your HDTV to a new kind of programming.
And watch it all with the crispest picture and clearest
sound. For $78.95

h t t p : //w w w . shaw . ca/Television/

Does Shaw sell the televisions? Or the Internet connections, too?

39.95 x 6 = 239.70

And what does the $78.95 include? And is it per month? Is it added onto the cost of the television or is the television included?

Does the ad mention taxes, fees, shipping, handling -- anywhere?