missed school cause I had flu. now haf to write 5 papers for pe.

If there are no guidelines, here are some ideas:

--last Superbowl
--effects of the flu and why students should stay home for it
--different types of exercises
--origin of certain sports

Any other ideas?


I'm sorry to hear that you were sick and had to miss school. Catching up on missed assignments can be overwhelming, but I can help you develop a plan to tackle the five papers for Physical Education (PE). Here are some steps you can take:

1. Communicate with your teacher: Reach out to your PE teacher and inform them about your situation. Let them know that you were sick and ask for any specific guidelines or extensions they might provide.

2. Gather assignment details: Review your class syllabus, assignment sheets, or any online platforms where your teacher might have posted the assignment details. Make sure you understand the requirements, topics, and deadlines for each of the five papers.

3. Prioritize your papers: Assess the due dates for each paper and their respective importance. Start with the papers that are due soonest or are weighted more heavily in terms of grading. This will help you stay organized and manage your time effectively.

4. Break it down: Divide each paper into smaller, manageable tasks. Create an outline or a list of subtopics for each essay. Breaking down the assignment will make it less overwhelming and easier to approach.

5. Research and gather materials: Begin researching each topic to gather information and supporting evidence for your papers. Use reliable sources such as scholarly articles, books, or reputable websites. Take notes and organize the information based on your paper's outline.

6. Start writing: Begin writing each paper based on your research and outline. Start with an introduction, followed by body paragraphs, and end with a conclusion. Make sure to use proper grammar, punctuation, and formatting.

7. Proofread and edit: After completing each paper, take the time to proofread and edit your work. Check for any grammar or spelling mistakes, clarity of ideas, and overall coherence. Consider asking a friend or family member to review your papers as well.

8. Submit your papers: Submit each paper according to the given instructions and deadlines. Double-check that you have followed any formatting guidelines, attached any required files, and submitted the papers through the appropriate channels (online platform, email, etc.)

Remember, it's crucial to take care of yourself and not overexert yourself while catching up on missed assignments. Take breaks, stay hydrated, and rest when needed. Good luck with your papers!