Apply the rule (3x,3y) to the vertices of rectangle ABCD to get rectangle WXYZ.


To apply the rule (3x, 3y) to the vertices of rectangle ABCD to get rectangle WXYZ, follow these steps:

1. Write down the coordinates of the vertices of rectangle ABCD. Let's assume that the coordinates are as follows:
Vertex A: (a, b)
Vertex B: (c, b)
Vertex C: (c, d)
Vertex D: (a, d)

2. Apply the rule (3x, 3y) to each of these coordinates. Multiply the x-coordinate by 3 and the y-coordinate by 3:
Vertex A: (3a, 3b)
Vertex B: (3c, 3b)
Vertex C: (3c, 3d)
Vertex D: (3a, 3d)

3. Write down the new coordinates. These will be the vertices of the transformed rectangle WXYZ:
Vertex W: (3a, 3b)
Vertex X: (3c, 3b)
Vertex Y: (3c, 3d)
Vertex Z: (3a, 3d)

Now you have the coordinates of the vertices of rectangle WXYZ after applying the rule (3x, 3y) to the vertices of rectangle ABCD.