What answers this definition: A polynomial, you would write the polynomial as a product of factors.

The technique of writing a polynomial as a product of factors starting from the terms of a polynomial is called factorization.


The definition you provided is a bit vague, but it seems like you're describing the process of factoring a polynomial. To find the factors of a polynomial, you typically follow these steps:

1. Identify the polynomial: Determine the expression that you want to factor.

2. Determine the degree: Find the highest power of the variable in the polynomial. For example, if the polynomial has terms like x^2 or x^3, the degree is 2 or 3, respectively.

3. Check for common factors: Look for any common factors that can be factored out of every term in the polynomial. For instance, if you have the polynomial 6x^2 + 9x, you can factor out 3x to get 3x(2x + 3).

4. Use factoring techniques: Apply appropriate factoring techniques based on the degree and structure of the polynomial. This may include factoring by grouping, using difference of squares, perfect square trinomials, or other factoring patterns.

5. Verify the results: Multiply the factored terms to check if they equal the original polynomial. This step will help ensure that you have factored the polynomial correctly.

It is important to note that not all polynomials can be factored into a product of factors. Some polynomials are prime and cannot be further factored.

Without specific details or an example of the polynomial you are referring to, it is difficult to provide a more precise answer.