The general trend of American's attitudes toward the unmarried has been from an attitude of _____ in the 1950s to an attitude of ______ in the 2000s

A.) Non-acceptance; acceptance
B.) Neutrality; non-acceptance
C.) Non-acceptance; neutrality
D.) Neutrality; tolerance

I think the answer is A, but i also think c works too.... is there any way to check and see which answer is correct?

Have you read any of the answers to what you have posted and reposted and reposted today?

This question is unclear.

I don't think attitudes have changed toward the unmarried.

It's different if you're asking about attitudes toward unmarried couples of opposite genders living together.

To check which answer is correct, you can evaluate the general trend of American attitudes toward the unmarried during the specified time period. Here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Research historical data and studies: Look for surveys, opinion polls, or academic research that specifically address American attitudes toward the unmarried from the 1950s to the 2000s. These sources may provide insight into the changing attitudes over time.

2. Consult reliable sources: Check reputable websites, books, or articles that discuss changes in societal attitudes towards marriage and relationships in the United States. Look for sources that cite studies or present evidence to support their claims.

3. Examine cultural and societal changes: Consider broader cultural shifts and historical events during this time period that may have influenced attitudes toward unmarried individuals. Factors such as changes in gender roles, women's liberation movements, or shifts in social norms can contribute to changes in attitudes.

4. Compare options: Once you have gathered relevant information, compare the possible answer choices. Look for evidence that supports one answer over the others based on the information you found. Pay attention to the words used in the answer choices (e.g., non-acceptance, neutrality, tolerance) and how they align with the findings from your research.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to determine which answer corresponds to the general trend of American attitudes toward the unmarried from the 1950s to the 2000s.