<?xml version="1.1"?>

<author/>Compton, R.</author>
<articletitle>SOA explained</articletitle>
<journaltitle>Retail Management</journaltitle>
<issue>vol. 14 no. 6, June</issue>
<page>pp. 29–32</page>

which one is correct:

Fully correct
Incorrect because one start tag missing
Incorrect because one closing tag missing
Incorrect becausea/ missing inaclosing tag
Incorrect because a / included in an opening tag
Incorrect because the tags in one pair don’tmatch

<author/>Compton, R.</author> look at the opening tag.

Sorry can you explain please

Look at what bobpursley posted. There's a / in the OPENING tag. See it? It's an incorrect tag. You never put a / in an opening tag.

Look at the wording for E.

The correct answer would be B. "Incorrect because one start tag is missing."

To arrive at this answer, we need to check the XML structure and compare it to the given XML code.

In the given code, we can observe that the start tag `<reference>` and the corresponding end tag `</reference>` are present. Similarly, all the other tags - `<author>`, `<year>`, `<articletitle>`, `<journaltitle>`, `<issue>`, and `<page>` - have both open and close tags.

However, one tag, `<author/>`, has a forward slash (`/`) before the closing angle bracket (`>`). In XML, a forward slash before the closing angle bracket is used to indicate an empty element or self-closing element. But in this case, the `<author>` tag should have a closing tag after the author's name.

Therefore, the code is incorrect because one start tag is missing a corresponding end tag, making option B the correct answer.