I'm really bad at these, can someone help me PLEASE?

1. Name the property shown by the statement: 9x + 0 = 9x
a. Commutative Property of Addition
b. Commutative Property of Multiplication
c. Identity Property of Addition
d. Identity Property of Multiplication

2. Name the property that is shown by the statement: 12x1=1x12
a. Commutative Property of Addition
b. Commutative Property of Multiplication
c. Identity Property of Addition
d. Identity Property of Multiplication

3. Name the property that is shown by the statement: x + 8 = 8 + x
a. Commutative Property of Addition
b. Associative Property of Addition
c. Identity Property of Addition
d. Distributive Property

4. Name the property that is shown by the statement:
x + (1 + 2) = (x + 1) + 2
a. Commutative Property of Addition
b. Associative Property of Addition
c. Identity Property of Addition
d. Distributive Property

you have number 2 correct, rethink the others.


1. c

3. a
4. c

is that right?

Simplify the expression using the commutative, associative, and distributive properties. {3 + (5+ 2)} – {(3 + 5) + 2} + 4 – 2

Sure, I can help you with that! Let me explain how to determine the properties shown by each statement.

1. To determine the property shown by the statement "9x + 0 = 9x", we need to analyze the equation. Here, we see that the addition operation is being performed and the order of the numbers does not change the result. This aligns with the Commutative Property of Addition, which states that changing the order of the numbers being added does not affect the sum. Therefore, the correct answer is a. Commutative Property of Addition.

2. The statement "12x1=1x12" involves multiplication, and again, the order of the numbers does not affect the result. This aligns with the Commutative Property of Multiplication, which states that changing the order of the numbers being multiplied does not affect the product. Hence, the correct answer is d. Commutative Property of Multiplication.

3. For the statement "x + 8 = 8 + x", addition is being performed, but this time, the placement of the numbers is changing. The numbers being added stay the same, but their position is altered. This aligns with the Associative Property of Addition, which states that changing the grouping of the numbers being added does not affect the sum. Therefore, the correct answer is b. Associative Property of Addition.

4. Lastly, in the statement "x + (1 + 2) = (x + 1) + 2", we are again dealing with addition, but this time, the parentheses are being used to group the numbers in different ways. The numbers being added remain the same, but their order within the parentheses is changed. This aligns with the Commutative Property of Addition because the order is being altered, but the sum remains the same. Hence, the correct answer is a. Commutative Property of Addition.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.