After 0.6523 g of CoCl_{2} \cdot 6H_{2}O is heated, the residue has a mass of 0.3423 g. Calculate the % H2O in the hydrate.

To calculate the percentage of water in the hydrate, you need to determine the mass of water lost during the heating process.

First, calculate the mass of water lost by subtracting the mass of the residue from the initial mass of the hydrate:

Mass of water lost = Mass of initial hydrate - Mass of residue
= 0.6523 g - 0.3423 g
= 0.3100 g

Next, calculate the percentage of water in the hydrate by dividing the mass of water lost by the mass of the initial hydrate and multiplying by 100:

% H2O in the hydrate = (Mass of water lost / Mass of initial hydrate) * 100
= (0.3100 g / 0.6523 g) * 100
= 47.5%

Therefore, the percentage of water in the hydrate is 47.5%.