There are nine equally likely outcomes if you spin this spinner twice (x,y,z)

1) Three of the 9 equally likely outcomes are xx,yy and zz. List the other six outcomes.

2) If you spin the spinner three times, what is the probability of getting yyy? Explain the answer.

3) Give an example of one more event with the same probability of getting yyy? Explain the answer.

1. xy , yx, xz, zx, yz, zy

2. with 3 spins there would be 27 cases, yyy is one of those.
Prob = 1/27

3. xxx or zzz

1) To list the other six outcomes, we need to consider all the possible combinations of x, y, and z.

Possible outcomes:
- xy
- xz
- yx
- yz
- zx
- zy

2) To find the probability of getting yyy when spinning the spinner three times, we need to determine the number of favorable outcomes and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, since the three outcomes need to be y, there is only one favorable outcome: yyy. The total number of possible outcomes when spinning the spinner three times is 9 * 9 * 9 = 729.

Therefore, the probability of getting yyy is 1/729.

3) An example of another event with the same probability of getting yyy would be getting zzz.

Again, the favorable outcome is only one: zzz. The total number of possible outcomes remains 729.

Therefore, the probability of getting zzz is also 1/729.