The general trend of American's attitudes toward the unmarried had been from an attitude of _________ in the 1950s to and attitude of _________ in the 2000s

I assume you mean unmarried couples of opposite genders who live together.

non-acceptance acceptance

To determine the general trend of Americans' attitudes toward the unmarried from the 1950s to the 2000s, we can conduct research using various sources such as academic journals, opinion polls, and historical data. Here's how you can go about finding the answer:

1. Start by reviewing historical texts or books that discuss societal and cultural changes in America during the specified time period. Look for sections or chapters that focus on attitudes toward marriage and relationships.

2. Conduct an online search using keywords related to attitudes toward unmarried individuals in the United States. This could include phrases like "changing attitudes toward unmarried Americans," "societal views on single individuals in the 1950s vs. 2000s," or other similar search terms.

3. Look for reputable and scholarly articles or research papers that examine societal attitudes over time. Websites like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic databases can be valuable resources for finding studies or surveys on this topic.

4. Once you have identified relevant articles or research papers, read through them to gather information about Americans' attitudes toward the unmarried from the 1950s to the 2000s. Look for key findings, statistical data, or quotes that provide insights into how attitudes have changed over time.

Remember, analyzing changes in societal attitudes involves interpreting subjective viewpoints and varying perspectives. Therefore, the exact phrasing of the general trend may vary depending on the sources and opinions present in the research. Make sure to critically evaluate the information you find and consider a range of sources to form a well-rounded understanding.