In Classical conditioning the response is typically_______, whereas in operant conditioning the response_______ the environment.

A. Learned; has a neutral effect on
B. Unconditional; is reflexive in
C. Reflexive; Produce effects on
D. Conditional; naturally occurs in

I chose answer C reflexive;produces effects on


The correct answer is indeed C: "Reflexive; Produce effects on." Let me explain why.

Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism associates a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that already produces a response. The neutral stimulus eventually comes to evoke a response similar to that produced by the original stimulus. The response in classical conditioning is typically reflexive, meaning it is an automatic and involuntary reaction to a stimulus.

On the other hand, operant conditioning is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened or weakened by the consequences that follow it. In operant conditioning, an organism learns to intentionally emit a response to produce effects on the environment. The response in operant conditioning is not reflexive but rather voluntary and purposeful.

Therefore, answer choice C correctly describes the responses in classical and operant conditioning.