Elizabeth has a box of shirts. One half of the shirts are small, 2/5 of the shirts are medium, and 5 shirts are large. How many shirts are in the box?

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To find the total number of shirts in the box, we need to determine the number of small and medium shirts first.

Let's assume the total number of shirts in the box is 'x.'

From the given information:
Half of the shirts are small, which means x/2 shirts are small.
2/5 of the shirts are medium, which means (2/5)x shirts are medium.

We also know that there are 5 large shirts.

So the total number of shirts can be calculated by adding up the number of small, medium, and large shirts:

x/2 + (2/5)x + 5 = x

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of 'x':

Multiplying the whole equation by 10 to eliminate the fractions:
5x + 4(2x) + 50 = 10x
5x + 8x + 50 = 10x
13x + 50 = 10x
13x - 10x = -50
3x = -50
x = -50/3

Since the total number of shirts cannot be negative, it appears that there might be an error in the given information. Please ensure the accuracy of the information provided.