While watching ocean waves at the dock of the bay, Otis notices that 8 waves pass beneath him in 30 seconds. He also notices that the crests of successive waves exactly coincide with the posts that are 3 meters apart. What are the period, frequency, wavelength, and speed of the ocean wave?

Frequency is the number of waves that pass by in one second. You know that 8 waves pass by in 30 seconds. How many pass by in 1 second?

Period is the time it takes for one wave to pass by. Period is the inverse of frequency (T = 1/f).

Wavelength is the distance measured from crest to crest.

The speed of the waves can be calculated by multiplying wavelength by the frequency.

frequency is 8/30=./2

period is =1/(8/30)=1/(./2)=5
wavelength is 30 meters and speed of ocean waves is according to above formula becomes (30*./2)=6 m/s
good luck students of physics more study and very more practice physics problems.
alhosseiny from iran(tehran)

To find the period, frequency, wavelength, and speed of the ocean wave, we can use the following formulas:

1. Period (T) = Time / Number of Waves
2. Frequency (f) = 1 / Period
3. Wavelength (λ) = Distance / Number of Waves
4. Speed (v) = Frequency * Wavelength

Given information:
- Number of waves passing beneath Otis in 30 seconds = 8
- Distance between posts = 3 meters

Let's calculate each of the values step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the period:
T = Time / Number of Waves
= 30 seconds / 8 waves
= 3.75 seconds

Therefore, the period of the ocean wave is 3.75 seconds.

Step 2: Calculate the frequency:
f = 1 / Period
= 1 / 3.75 seconds
= 0.2667 Hz (rounded to four decimal places)

Therefore, the frequency of the ocean wave is approximately 0.2667 Hz.

Step 3: Calculate the wavelength:
λ = Distance / Number of Waves
= 3 meters / 8 waves
= 0.375 meters

Therefore, the wavelength of the ocean wave is 0.375 meters.

Step 4: Calculate the speed:
v = Frequency * Wavelength
= 0.2667 Hz * 0.375 meters
= 0.1 meters per second

Therefore, the speed of the ocean wave is 0.1 meters per second.

To summarize:
- Period (T) = 3.75 seconds
- Frequency (f) = 0.2667 Hz
- Wavelength (λ) = 0.375 meters
- Speed (v) = 0.1 meters per second

To find the period, frequency, wavelength, and speed of the ocean wave, we can use the following formulas:

1. Period (T) is the time taken for one complete wave to pass a given point.
Formula: T = 1 / frequency

2. Frequency (f) is the number of complete waves passing a given point per unit of time.
Formula: f = 1 / T

3. Wavelength (λ) is the distance between two successive crests or troughs of a wave.
Formula: λ = v / f

4. Speed (v) is the distance traveled by a wave per unit of time.
Formula: v = λ * f

Let's break down the given information to substitute it into the formulas:

The number of waves passing in 30 seconds is 8.
Post distance between successive crests is 3 meters.

1. Period (T):
T = 1 / frequency
We can find the frequency by dividing the number of waves (8) by the time (30).
Frequency (f) = 8 waves / 30 seconds
T = 1 / (8/30)

2. Frequency (f):
f = 1 / T
We can find the period from the previous calculation.
f = 1 / (1 / (8/30))

3. Wavelength (λ):
λ = v / f
We need to find the speed (v) first.

4. Speed (v):
v = λ * f
Substituting the value for wavelength (λ) from equation 3.
v = (3 m) * f

Now, let's calculate the values:

1. Period (T):
T = 1 / (8/30)
T ≈ 3.75 seconds

2. Frequency (f):
f = 1 / (1 / (8/30))
f ≈ 0.267 Hz (or 0.267 waves per second)

3. Wavelength (λ):
λ = (3 m) * f
λ ≈ 0.8 meters

4. Speed (v):
v = (3 m) * f
v ≈ 0.8 meters/second

Therefore, the period of the ocean wave is approximately 3.75 seconds, the frequency is approximately 0.267 Hz, the wavelength is approximately 0.8 meters, and the speed of the wave is approximately 0.8 meters/second.