Suzanne wants to put a fence around her square garden. If the garden covers an area of 64 ft2, how many feet of fencing does she need?

1. B (3,484 ft)

2. C (10.92 cm)
3. D (128 ft)
4. A (432 units)
5. C (25.12 in.)
6. B (25.48 ft)
7. B (289.38 m)
8. B (40 ft)

100% For Connexus Students!

Update: Haileigh is still right in 2020. :)

Thx Haileigh!

those are right hahah tyty xxx

Haileigh is right if you came here looking for answers

square root of 64 = 8

P = 4s
P = 4 * 8
P = ?


Haileigh Is right 100%

To find out how many feet of fencing Suzanne needs, we first need to calculate the perimeter of her square garden.

The formula for finding the perimeter of a square is:
Perimeter = 4 * side length

Since the garden is square, all four sides have the same length. To find the side length, we need to calculate the square root of the area of the garden.

The formula for finding the side length of a square given the area is:
Side length = √(area)

Let's calculate the side length first.

√(64 ft²) = 8 ft

Now that we know the side length is 8 ft, we can find the perimeter:

Perimeter = 4 * 8 ft
Perimeter = 32 ft

Therefore, Suzanne needs 32 feet of fencing to enclose her square garden.