I Know that Louis XIV ruled france for 21 years. But Was he Successful or unsuccessful??

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Are you sure you mean Louis XIV? He ruled for 72 years, not 21. Also known as "The Sun King" and "The Grand Monarch" he was a despot whose famous saying was "L'Etat, c'est moi" or "I am the state/government." During his reign France was militarily successful and literature and art flourished. His magnificent palace at Versailles was the political, social and cultural center of France. His minister, Colbert, got the finances in order, protected commerce and industry and encouraged public works.

However being egotistical and ambitious Louis XIV caused long wars that were disastrous for France. In 1685 he revoked The Edict of Nantes and persecuted protestants.

Now, "was he successful?" You could say "yes and no," qualifying your answer with some of the above.

Here is a site you might like with a lot more details:


To determine if Louis XIV was successful or unsuccessful as a ruler, one would need to analyze his accomplishments and their overall impact on France.

To do this, you could start by researching and gathering information about his reign, which lasted from 1643 to 1715. Look for primary and secondary sources such as books, articles, and reputable websites that provide historical accounts of Louis XIV's rule.

By examining his military achievements, cultural advancements, and economic policies, you can form an opinion on his overall success as a ruler. Additionally, you may want to consider his social policies and how they affected different groups of people within France.

Analyzing Louis XIV's legacy is essential in determining whether he was successful or unsuccessful. This can involve studying the long-term effects of his decisions and policies on France's political, economic, and social landscape.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you use and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy. It is also helpful to consult multiple perspectives to gain a well-rounded understanding of Louis XIV and his impact on France.

By conducting this research and analysis, you will be able to form a balanced and informed opinion on whether Louis XIV was successful or unsuccessful as a ruler of France.