write down two outcomes that are EQUALLY LIKELY to occur if you roll a 20-sided solid figure numbered 1 through 20

To identify two outcomes that are equally likely when rolling a 20-sided solid figure numbered 1 through 20, we need to assume that the die is fair and unbiased. In this case, each face of the die has an equal probability of landing face up.

Thus, two possible outcomes that are equally likely when rolling this die are:

1. Rolling a 10: The probability of rolling any specific number from 1 to 20 is 1/20 or 0.05 (5%). So, the probability of rolling a 10 is also 1/20 or 0.05.

2. Rolling a 17: Similarly, the probability of rolling a specific number like 17 is also 1/20 or 0.05 (5%).

Both results have the same probability of occurring, making them equally likely outcomes when rolling the 20-sided die.