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We have an appointment with Representative Howard at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, in Room 209 at the Capitol in Nashville. Our appointment will precede the General Committee meeting in room 7 of the Capitol.

Hopefully, he can give us information that will help us break the deadline in the Committee. Unless we receive the necessary capital support from the Committee, our city water renovation project will have to be abandoned. Breaks in the waterline are occurring with increasing frequency. The lines are too old to be repaired effectively; therefore, they must be replaced to affect a safe, satisfactory water system.

Be certain to bring two copies of our proposal for each member of the Committee.

to affect a safe, satisfactory water system.

You need the word effect here. Note the different meanings as verbs: << See #95.

We have an appointment with Representative Howard at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1st, in Room 209 at the Capitol in Nashville. Our appointment will precede the General Committee meeting in Room 7 of the Capitol.

Hopefully, he can give us information that will help us meet the deadline in the Committee. Unless we receive the necessary capital support from the Committee, our city water renovation project will have to be abandoned. Breaks in the waterline are occurring with increasing frequency. The lines are too old to be effectively repaired; therefore, they must be replaced to establish a safe and satisfactory water system.

Please remember to bring two copies of our proposal for each member of the Committee.