Find the unit price and tell which is the better buy:

A 64 oz. bottle of juice costs $2.39, and a 20 oz. bottle costs &0.79. You can use a 20-cents-off-coupon if you buy four 20 oz. bottles or a 15-cents-off-coupon if you buy a 64 oz. bottle. Which is the better buy?

2.39-0.15 = 2.24

2.24/64 = 0.035 per oz.

4 * 20 = 80 oz.

4 * .79 = 3.16
3.16 - 0.2 = 2.96
2.96/80 = 0.037 per oz.


To find the unit price, you need to divide the total cost by the number of ounces.

For the 64 oz. bottle of juice that costs $2.39, the unit price is $2.39 / 64 oz. = $0.0373 per ounce.

For the 20 oz. bottle that costs $0.79, the unit price is $0.79 / 20 oz. = $0.0395 per ounce.

Now, let's consider the coupons.

For the 20 oz. bottles, you have a 20-cents-off coupon. So, the cost per bottle will be $0.79 - $0.20 = $0.59. The unit price will be $0.59 / 20 oz. = $0.0295 per ounce.

For the 64 oz. bottle, you have a 15-cents-off coupon. So, the cost for the bottle will be $2.39 - $0.15 = $2.24. The unit price will be $2.24 / 64 oz. = $0.035 per ounce.

Comparing the unit prices, the 20 oz. bottle with the coupon has the lower unit price of $0.0295 per ounce, which means it is the better buy compared to the 64 oz. bottle with the coupon that has a unit price of $0.035 per ounce.