A car accelerates from 25km/hr to 55km/hr in 30 seconds. What is its acceleration?


25km/hr to 55km/hr in 30seconds

To find the acceleration of the car, you need to use the formula:

Acceleration = (Change in Velocity) / Time

The change in velocity is the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity. Given that the car accelerates from 25 km/hr to 55 km/hr, the change in velocity is:

Change in Velocity = Final Velocity - Initial Velocity
= 55 km/hr - 25 km/hr
= 30 km/hr

Next, you need to convert the time from seconds to hours, as the units for the velocities are in km/hr. Given that the time is 30 seconds, you can convert it to hours by dividing it by 3600 (since there are 3600 seconds in an hour):

Time (in hours) = Time (in seconds) / 3600
= 30 seconds / 3600
= 0.00833 hours

Now you can substitute the values into the formula:

Acceleration = Change in Velocity / Time
= 30 km/hr / 0.00833 hours
≈ 3600 km/hr²

Therefore, the acceleration of the car is approximately 3600 km/hr².

Convert the speeds to m/s, take the difference, and divide by 30 s.

That will give you the answer in units of m/s^2, which is probably what they want.

25 km/hr = 25*1000/3600 = 6.94 m/s

You do the rest