I have to submit a complaint on any advertisment which I think should be banned

And it should be one that you feel violates any clause of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards or the Gender Portrayal Guidelines. Write a letter of complaint following the outline given on the Web site. Remember to state the pertinent clause and give reasons why you feel this clause has been violated.

I can do this myself, the only thing I need is an advertisement. I have no clue on what Ad to write a complaint about:/

Since you posted this a few days ago, you should have been watching TV and the internet carefully for ads that are offensive to you. I don't watch TV, so I can't help you with choosing an ad. But your assignment asks you to find an ad that shows a woman in a negative light. Certainly, an ad that shows a woman as just eye-candy would qualify.

Ok..I'll try to find something like that.

If you're looking for an advertisement to write a complaint about, you can start by observing the advertisements you come across in your daily life. This can include advertisements on TV, billboards, online platforms, magazines, or newspapers. Pay attention to any ad that you believe may violate clauses of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards or the Gender Portrayal Guidelines.

Here are a few suggestions to help you choose an advertisement:

1. Pay attention to gender stereotypes: Look for advertisements that portray men or women in a stereotypical manner, such as reinforcing traditional gender roles or promoting unrealistic body image standards.

2. Misleading claims: Focus on advertisements that make false or exaggerated claims about their product or service. This can include misleading claims about health benefits, results, or pricing.

3. Offensive content: Identify advertisements that contain offensive or discriminatory language, images, or concepts towards any particular individual or group.

4. Targeting vulnerable groups: Critically examine advertisements that may exploit or target vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, or individuals with impairments.

Remember, the purpose of your complaint should be to highlight a potential violation of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards or the Gender Portrayal Guidelines. Once you have chosen an advertisement, you can follow the outline provided on the website to structure your letter of complaint.