How will you find the height of a tall tower using a long-enough thread? You only have a stop-watch with you. So you can only measure time and not length. Explain the method by stating the formula you will use to calculate the height of the tower.

h= 1/2 g t^2

drop the spool of thread.

you would google it

To find the height of a tall tower using a long enough thread and a stopwatch, we can make use of a simple principle known as the pendulum's period.

The formula we will use to calculate the height of the tower is:

Height of the tower = (Gravity x Time^2) / (4 x Pi^2)

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to use this formula:

1. Choose a suitable location near the tower where you can swing the thread without any obstructions or interference.
2. Hold the thread at one end and swing it like a pendulum, allowing it to freely move back and forth.
3. Starting from one side, release the thread and start the stopwatch simultaneously.
4. Measure the time it takes for the thread to complete one full swing from one side to another. This is known as the period of the pendulum and is denoted by "T".
5. Repeat the measurement multiple times to ensure accuracy and record the average value of the period.
6. Now, using the formula mentioned above, plug in the average value of the period (T) into the equation along with the known value of gravity (usually 9.8 m/s^2) to calculate the height of the tower.

It's important to note that to obtain accurate results, it is recommended to perform the measurement in a controlled environment and ensure that the pendulum's oscillations are not affected by external factors such as wind or friction.

By applying this method, you can determine the height of a tower with only a thread and a stopwatch.