i need help get done a french homework. its 16 pages long, onlye grammar questions. please anyone can help me or direct me to the right direction, to get help get done this job! either for free or involving money.

We do not sell or give homework answers.

If you post five or so of your questions, someone will probably help you find the right answers.

This is a site where we HELP you but do not DO the work for you. The best way for you to improve is to try what you can so we can see where you are having trouble. As you do the questions, you will know better what question(s) to ask, in order to understand it better.

Sra (aka Mme)

I can help you with your French homework by guiding you through the process of finding the right resources and tools to complete your grammar questions. Here's what you can do:

1. Review your textbook and class notes: Start by going through your French textbook and any class notes you have on the grammar topics covered in your homework. This will help you refresh your memory and provide you with the necessary information and examples.

2. Online grammar resources: There are various free online resources available that can assist you in learning and practicing French grammar. Some recommended websites include:
- Duolingo (www.duolingo.com): This platform offers interactive lessons and exercises to help you practice French grammar.
- Lawless French (www.lawlessfrench.com): This website provides comprehensive explanations and exercises for various French grammar topics.
- French Grammar Central (www.frenchgrammarcentral.com): A useful resource with grammar rules and exercises categorized by level.

3. Language learning apps: Utilize language learning apps that offer grammar lessons and interactive exercises specifically designed to improve your French proficiency. Two popular apps are:
- Babbel: Offers grammar lessons with clear explanations and interactive exercises.
- Memrise: Provides grammar lessons and vocabulary practice through spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques.

4. Online language forums and communities: Joining online forums or language learning communities can be helpful when you have specific questions or need clarification. You can post your grammar questions and native French speakers or fellow learners can offer guidance. Some examples of active language learning communities include Reddit's r/French and the WordReference Forum.

5. Tutoring services: If you prefer one-on-one assistance, you might consider hiring a tutor to guide you through your French grammar homework. Several websites provide online tutoring services for a fee, such as italki (www.italki.com) and Preply (www.preply.com).

Remember, understanding and learning French grammar takes time and practice. Make sure to allocate enough time for studying and practicing on a regular basis. Good luck with your homework!