Classify each of the eight living things listed below into one of the two groups according to an important physical characteristic.

Gorilla,Parrot,Snake, Earthworm,Jellyfish,sponge,fish,fly
Group 1-
Group 2-
what characteristic did you use in you classification?
name a different physical charateristic that you could have used.

Those which lay eggs and those that don't

Those that can fly and those that can't
Tnose with and without internal skeletons
Those that can live under water and those that can't
Those that can see and those than can't.

Divide the eight animals as appropriate.

To classify the eight living things into two groups according to an important physical characteristic, we need to observe their characteristics and identify a common feature. One possible way to classify them is based on their ability to breathe. Let's examine the characteristics of each living thing:

Group 1 (Based on the ability to breathe):
- Gorilla: Can breathe air
- Parrot: Can breathe air
- Snake: Can breathe air
- Earthworm: Cannot breathe air (relies on diffusion)
- Jellyfish: Cannot breathe air (relies on diffusion)
- Sponge: Cannot breathe air (filter feeds but does not have respiratory systems)
- Fish: Can breathe underwater (using gills)
- Fly: Can breathe air

Group 2 (Unable to breathe air):
- Earthworm
- Jellyfish
- Sponge

Characteristic used for classification: Ability to breathe

An alternative physical characteristic that could have been used for classification is the presence or absence of a backbone (vertebral column), which would help differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates.

Classification based on presence or absence of a backbone:
Group 1 (Vertebrates):
- Gorilla
- Parrot
- Snake
- Fish

Group 2 (Invertebrates):
- Earthworm
- Jellyfish
- Sponge
- Fly

Characteristic used for classification: Presence or absence of a backbone