Please help! (1/4x^4+6/7x^3+1/8x^2+7) + (-3/4x^4+7/8x^2-7).Thank you

To simplify the expression, you need to combine like terms. Like terms have the same variable raised to the same exponent.

Given expression:
(1/4x^4 + 6/7x^3 + 1/8x^2 + 7) + (-3/4x^4 + 7/8x^2 - 7)

Step 1: Combine the terms with x^4.
To combine the terms, add the coefficients (numbers in front of x^4) and keep the same base.
(1/4x^4 + (-3/4x^4) = (1/4 - 3/4)x^4 = -2/4x^4 = -1/2x^4

Step 2: Combine the terms with x^3.
To combine the terms, add the coefficients (numbers in front of x^3) and keep the same base.
6/7x^3 remains as is, because there is no other term with x^3.

Step 3: Combine the terms with x^2.
To combine the terms, add the coefficients (numbers in front of x^2) and keep the same base.
(1/8x^2 + 7/8x^2) = (1/8 + 7/8)x^2 = 8/8x^2 = x^2

Step 4: Combine the constant terms.
To combine the terms, add the coefficients (numbers without any variable).
7 + (-7) = 0

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is:
-1/2x^4 + 6/7x^3 + x^2 + 0.

Note: Simplifying the expression means combining like terms and simplifying coefficients where possible.