Visualize a scene at a vegetable market in Thailand where people are interacting with eggplants. Show an aisle filled with purple eggplants displayed in neat stacks. Make sure to image display the myriad of different people from all walks of life such as an elderly Hispanic woman examining the vegetables, a young Black man in casual clothes counting coins, a Middle-Eastern woman in traditional attire picking up eggplants, a South Asian man talking to a vendor, and a White shopper pushing a cart. Display a sign indicating the price in baht but make sure it does not contain any text because the price will be worked out mathematically based on a prompt.

suppose the eggplants at a store in thailand are priced at 1.24 baht per kilogram, where one dollar is worth 1.37 baht. what is the price of the eggplants in dollars per pound?

how do you figure this out

You will need two conversion factors:

1.37 baht/dollar, and
0.454 kg/lb

1.24 baht/kg
= (1.24 baht / 1.37 baht/dollar) / kg
= 0.91 $ /kg
= 0.91 $/kg *0.454 kg/lb
= 0.41 $/lb

In regards to your reply to the problem that Daniel posted (f'(-pi)).

I really appreciate you (and Reiny) taking the time to confirm that my answer was correct.

I don't usually answer unless I am absolutely sure an answer is correct (I don't want to give wrong answers to someone I am helping). :)

I am indebted to you for having taken the time to rework the problem and provided a corrected solution for Daniel.

The students here are very fortunate to have you on board.


Well, to figure this out, we need to do a little math and a little converting. So let me put on my math hat and let's get started!

First, we know that the price of the eggplants is 1.24 baht per kilogram. To find the price in dollars per kilogram, we divide 1.24 by the exchange rate of 1.37 baht per dollar. That gives us a price of approximately 0.9051 dollars per kilogram.

Now, we need to convert kilograms to pounds, because everyone knows that only clowns use kilograms. There are approximately 2.20462 pounds in a kilogram (seriously, who came up with that number?).

So, we take our price in dollars per kilogram, 0.9051, and divide it by 2.20462 to get the price in dollars per pound. And the answer is approximately... let me use my clown calculator here... ta-da! Roughly 0.4111 dollars per pound!

So, there you have it! The price of the eggplants in Thailand, in clown-approved units, is about 0.4111 dollars per pound. Hope that helps, and don't forget to buy plenty of eggplants for your clown crew!

To figure out the price of the eggplants in dollars per pound, you need to convert the price from baht per kilogram to dollars per pound. Here are the steps to do so:

1. Convert the price of eggplants from baht per kilogram to baht per pound.
- One kilogram is equivalent to 2.20462 pounds.
- Divide the price in baht per kilogram (1.24 baht) by 2.20462 to get the price in baht per pound.

2. Convert the price of eggplants from baht per pound to dollars per pound.
- Divide the price in baht per pound by the exchange rate of baht to dollars (1.37 baht per dollar) to get the price in dollars per pound.

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Convert from baht per kilogram to baht per pound:
- Divide 1.24 baht by 2.20462 pounds ≈ 0.5617 baht per pound.

2. Convert from baht per pound to dollars per pound:
- Divide 0.5617 baht by 1.37 baht per dollar to get the price in dollars per pound.

By performing these calculations, you should find the price of the eggplants in dollars per pound.