yes ,i definetly did,more than once ,i just had trouble comprehending the way they try to explain it.thats why i asked to please get help showing several of both kinds of problems,some addition &some subtraction so i could try to understand how they where done.please help by showing how these where worked out to get the the problems i posted last done the best i could but aren't sure there right.HELP PLEASE!!!!

... how to find the sum in simplest form of these common denominators 1/2 +1/10= ,5/12+1/4=,the difference in 2/3-1/6 =, 5/6-7/12=

Common denominators to use are after the arrows:

1/2 +1/10 ~~~>10

5/12+1/4 ~~~>12
Adding fractions

2/3-1/6 ~~~>6

5/6-7/12 ~~~>12
Subtracting fractions

These are just not that hard. One of the fractions in each problem already has the common denominator!! I'll do the first one for you.

1/2 +1/10 ~~~>10
therefore 5/10 + 1/10 = 6/10 = 3/5

Now it's your turn.

You typed, " done the best i could but aren't sure there right."

I haven't seen any of your work yet. Where did you post it?



this is soooooooooooooo BORING

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with addition and subtraction problems. Please provide me with the specific problems you would like assistance with, and I will explain step-by-step how to solve them.