I combine with two oxygen atoms to make sand. I have four valence electrons, Whar element am I?

Sand is silicon dioxide, or SiO2, therefore you must be Silcon or Si.

Based on the information provided, the element with four valence electrons that combines with two oxygen atoms to form sand is carbon (C).

To determine the element you are describing, we need to consider the clues provided. You mentioned that you combine with two oxygen atoms to form sand, and that you have four valence electrons.

When an element combines with two oxygen atoms to form a compound, it usually forms an oxide. Sand, also known as silica, has the chemical formula SiO2. In this compound, each silicon (Si) atom is bonded to two oxygen (O) atoms.

Silicon (Si) is the element that fits the given clues. It has an atomic number of 14, meaning it has 14 protons in its nucleus. As for its valence electrons, silicon has four valence electrons, which corresponds to its position in Group 14 (or Group IV) of the periodic table.

Therefore, the element you are describing is silicon (Si).