For million of years, wind and rain have worn down the earth. The land is not totally level now because ____.

a. other forces keep building up the land
b. wind and rain cannot erode solid rock
c. for most of those years, wind and rain were scarce
d. wind and rain pile dirt into high mounds

And your answer is?

Is it A .. other forcs keep building up the land?


Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Emily.

The correct answer is b. wind and rain cannot erode solid rock.

To arrive at this answer, one needs to understand the processes of erosion caused by wind and rain. Over millions of years, wind and rain have played a significant role in shaping the earth's surface through a process called weathering. Weathering occurs when wind and rain break down rocks and other geological features on the earth's surface.

While wind and rain can erode softer materials such as soil and sediment, they are not capable of directly eroding solid rock. Solid rock is extremely resistant to erosion and requires other geological processes, such as tectonic activity or chemical weathering, to be broken down into smaller pieces.

Therefore, the land is not totally level now because wind and rain cannot erode solid rock, leading to the formation of various landforms and terrains.