Suppose the Earth was only half the size it is now (half the mass and half the radius), what would "g" be?

Newtons law:

g= G Me/r^2

Now, if one halves the radius, mass is not half.

Mass=density*volume=density 4/3 PI r^3 so if radius goes down by 1/2, then mass goes to 1/8 Me

So your question is really confusing.

Newton's law of universal gravitation:

where force equals the universal constant of gravity multiplied by mass of the earth and mass of an object divided by the raduis squared

F = G((m1*m2)/(r^2))

Force equals the mass of an object multiplied by the acceleration or 'g'

mg = G((m1*m2)/(r^2))

Mass of the object would cancel out on both sides since infact we do not have a second mass

g = G((m1)/(r^2))

The universal constant of gravity as Newton discovered is:

G = 6.67 * 10^-11 m^3/kg*s^2

The mass of the Earth is:

mass of the earth = 5.98 * 10^24 kg

The radius of the Earth is:

radius of the earth = 6.38 * 10^6 m

The mass then needs to be divided in half:

5.98 * 10^24 kg/2 = 2.94 * 10^24 kg

The radius then needs to be divided in half:

6.38 * 10^6 m/2 = 3.19 * 10^6 m

The equation for the acceleration or 'g' is:

g = 6.67 * 10^-11 m^3/kg*s^2((2.94 * 10^24 kg)/(3.19 * 10^6 m^2))

Leaving 'g' as:

g = 19.27 m/s^2

To determine the value of "g" (acceleration due to gravity) on a hypothetical Earth that is half the size of the current Earth (half the mass and half the radius), we can use the formula for gravitational acceleration:

g = G * (M / R^2)

g = acceleration due to gravity
G = gravitational constant
M = mass of the Earth
R = radius of the Earth

In this scenario, we need to calculate the values of "M" and "R" for the smaller Earth.

M (mass of current Earth) = M1
R (radius of current Earth) = R1

The mass of the smaller Earth (M2) would be half of the current Earth:

M2 = M1 / 2

The radius of the smaller Earth (R2) would also be half of the current Earth:

R2 = R1 / 2

Now we can substitute these values into the formula:

g2 = G * (M2 / R2^2)

Since M2 = M1 / 2 and R2 = R1 / 2:

g2 = G * ((M1/2) / (R1/2)^2)

To simplify the equation, we can rewrite R1/2 as (1/2)^2 = 1/4:

g2 = G * ((M1/2) / (1/4))

Next, we can multiply the numerator by 4 and simplify:

g2 = G * (4 * M1 / 2)

g2 = G * (2 * M1)

Therefore, the value of "g" on a hypothetical Earth that is half the size of the current Earth would be twice the current value.