Which of these would cause a rapid change in the appearance of the Earth's surface?

A. Erosion and deposition by a river

B. Earthquake

C. Summer waves on Galveston's beach

D. Weathering of rocks by acid rain

How long does A take? How long does destruction from B take? What about C and D. Now look at the words "rapid change" in the problem. That's the clue.

Coal is non-renewable resource that was formed several hundred million years ago in swamps. Coal, a fossil fuel, was formed from.......

What grows in swamps?

The correct answer is B. Earthquake.

An earthquake is a natural geological event that occurs when there is a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust. This release of energy causes the ground to shake, resulting in various effects on the Earth's surface. Earthquakes can cause rapid changes in the appearance of the Earth's surface in several ways.

To explain how to arrive at this answer, let's analyze the other options:

A. Erosion and deposition by a river: While erosion and deposition by a river do shape the Earth's surface over time, they generally happen gradually and don't typically cause rapid changes.

C. Summer waves on Galveston's beach: Waves on a beach can certainly alter the coastline over time, but it would not be considered a rapid change in appearance.

D. Weathering of rocks by acid rain: Weathering of rocks by acid rain is a slow process that occurs over many years and does not cause immediate and rapid changes to the Earth's surface.

Therefore, the most likely option that would cause a rapid change in the appearance of the Earth's surface is B. Earthquake because they can result in sudden and significant shifts, ruptures, or displacements of the Earth's crust, which can lead to immediate changes in landforms, such as the formation of new landforms or destruction of existing ones.