It is the year 2305 and the tallest structure in the world has an insane height of 3.19×106 m above the surface of the Earth. A pendulum clock that keeps perfect time on the surface of the Earth is placed at the top of the tower. How long does the clock take to register one elapsed hour? The radius of the Earth is 6.38×106 m and its mass is 5.97×1024 kg.

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To determine how long the clock takes to register one elapsed hour at the top of the tower, we need to take into account the effects of both gravity and the Earth's rotation.

Let's begin by understanding the effect of gravity on the clock's timekeeping. First, we need to calculate the gravitational potential energy difference between the surface of the Earth and the top of the tower.

The gravitational potential energy difference (ΔU) can be calculated using the equation:

ΔU = mgh

m = mass of the pendulum clock
g = acceleration due to gravity
h = height difference between the top of the tower and the Earth's surface

Given the height difference of 3.19×10^6 m, the mass of the Earth (5.97×10^24 kg), and assuming the mass of the pendulum clock is negligible compared to the mass of the Earth, we can use the equation:

ΔU = mgh = Mgh

M = mass of the Earth

Next, we calculate the change in gravitational potential energy:

ΔU = (5.97×10^24 kg) × (9.8 m/s^2) × (3.19×10^6 m)

Now, calculate the time dilation due to gravity. Time dilation is a phenomenon in which time runs slower in a gravitational field. The formula for time dilation due to gravity is given by:

Δt = ΔU / mc^2

Δt = change in time (elapsed time registered by the clock)
m = mass of the pendulum clock
c = speed of light in a vacuum (approximately 3.00×10^8 m/s)
ΔU = change in gravitational potential energy

Substituting the values into the equation:

Δt = (ΔU) / (mc^2)

As already mentioned, the mass of the pendulum clock is negligible compared to the Earth's mass. So, we can replace m with M:

Δt = (ΔU) / (Mc^2)

Calculating the time dilation:

Δt = [(5.97×10^24 kg) × (9.8 m/s^2) × (3.19×10^6 m)] / [(5.97×10^24 kg) × (3.00×10^8 m/s)^2]

Now, we have the value of Δt, which represents the change in time experienced by the clock due to the difference in gravitational potential energy.

To calculate the actual elapsed time (t) on the clock, we need to account for the time dilation caused by the Earth's rotation.

The rotational time dilation is given by the equation:

t = Δt × √(1 - v^2/c^2)

v = linear velocity at the top of the tower

To calculate the linear velocity at the top of the tower, we can use the formula for linear velocity:

v = ωr

ω = angular velocity of the Earth's rotation
r = radius of the Earth plus the height of the tower

Given the radius of the Earth (6.38×10^6 m) and the height of the tower (3.19×10^6 m), calculate the total height from the center of the Earth to the top of the tower:

r_total = 6.38×10^6 m + 3.19×10^6 m

Now, calculate the linear velocity:

v = ωr = (2π/T) × r_total

T = time period of one full rotation of the Earth

Given that the Earth completes one rotation in 24 hours, convert it to seconds:

T = 24 hours × (60 minutes/hour) × (60 seconds/minute)

Now, calculate the linear velocity:

v = (2π / T) × r_total

Finally, substitute the value of the linear velocity (v) into the equation for rotational time dilation:

t = Δt × √(1 - v^2/c^2)

Solve this equation to find the actual elapsed time (t) on the clock at the top of the tower.

Note: The calculations involved in this problem are quite complex, and it is recommended to use a calculator or a computer program to get an accurate result.