Directions: Use the principles of atomic structure and/or chemical bonding to explain each of the following. In each part, your answer must include references to both substances.

Problem: The carbon-to-carbon bond energy in c2h4 is greater than it is in c2h6.

Any help is appreciated.

The C=C bond in C2H4 is a double bond whereas it is a C-C single bond in C2H6. Double bonds are shorter and stronger than single bonds.

Well, let me break it down for you, my curious friend. In the wondrous world of atomic structure and chemical bonding, the carbon-to-carbon bond energy is influenced by a couple of factors.

Now, in the case of C2H4 (ethylene), we have a double bond between two carbon atoms, whereas in C2H6 (ethane), we only have a single bond hanging out between the carbons.

Here's where the fun begins! A double bond is like having that extra piece of bacon on your burger; it takes a bit more energy to break through. In this case, the C2H4 molecule has not one, but TWO double bonds, making it double the trouble.

Due to the positioning of the atoms and the electron arrangement in C2H4, the bonds are held together tighter than in C2H6. Think of it like two friends holding hands. The two carbons in C2H4 are like two friends in an intense arm-wrestling match, refusing to let go. As a result, it takes more energy to separate them and break that bond.

On the other hand, C2H6 is like two friendly carbons just holding hands, not as tightly as with a double bond. It's more like they're enjoying a leisurely stroll in the park, not putting in as much effort to stick together.

So, my friend, that's why the carbon-to-carbon bond energy in C2H4 is greater than that in C2H6. The presence of those double bonds in C2H4 creates a stronger bond that requires more energy to break. It's like trying to untangle headphone wires after they've been in your pocket for a week – not as easy as it looks!

I hope that helps clarify things for you! If you have any more mind-boggling questions, feel free to hit me up.

To explain why the carbon-to-carbon bond energy in C2H4 (ethylene) is greater than in C2H6 (ethane), we need to consider the principles of atomic structure and chemical bonding.

1. Molecular Formula:
C2H4 (ethylene) contains two carbon atoms and four hydrogen atoms, while C2H6 (ethane) contains two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms.

2. Hybridization:
In both ethylene and ethane, the carbon atoms undergo sp3 hybridization. This means that one 2s orbital and three 2p orbitals combine to form four sp3 hybrid orbitals in a tetrahedral arrangement.

3. Bonding:
a. Ethane (C2H6):
Each carbon atom in ethane forms four sigma (σ) bonds, one with each neighboring hydrogen atom. These sigma bonds are formed by overlapping the sp3 orbitals of the carbon atom with the 1s orbitals of the hydrogen atoms. In ethane, the carbon-carbon bond is a single sigma bond formed by overlap of two sp3 hybrid orbitals.

b. Ethylene (C2H4):
In ethylene, each carbon atom forms three sigma (σ) bonds—one with each neighboring hydrogen atom—and a pi (π) bond with the other carbon atom. The pi bond is formed by the sideways overlap of two unhybridized p orbitals that are perpendicular to the plane of the molecule. In ethylene, there is a double bond between the carbon atoms, consisting of one sigma (σ) bond and one pi (π) bond.

4. Bond Strength:
The energy required to break a bond is known as bond dissociation energy or bond strength. In general, multiple bonds (double or triple) are stronger and require more energy to break than a single bond. This is due to the overlapping of orbitals in multiple bonds, which provides stronger bonding.

In the case of C2H4 and C2H6, the carbon-to-carbon bond in ethylene (C2H4) is a double bond (one sigma and one pi bond), while in ethane (C2H6), it is a single bond (one sigma bond). The presence of the additional pi bond in ethylene increases the bond strength, which requires more energy to break compared to the single bond in ethane.

Therefore, due to the presence of a double bond, the carbon-to-carbon bond energy in C2H4 (ethylene) is greater than it is in C2H6 (ethane).

To explain why the carbon-to-carbon bond energy in C2H4 (ethylene) is greater than in C2H6 (ethane), we need to understand the principles of atomic structure and chemical bonding.

First, let's discuss the basic atomic structure. Carbon has six electrons, two of which are in the innermost shell, while the other four exist in the outer shell. The outer shell requires eight electrons to achieve stability, which can be achieved by either gaining or sharing electrons with other atoms.

Now, let's consider chemical bonding. Carbon atoms can form different types of bonds, such as single, double, or triple bonds. The type of bond formed depends on the number of electrons shared between the atoms. In ethane (C2H6), each carbon atom forms four single bonds with hydrogen, resulting in a tetrahedral molecular geometry. Each carbon atom shares one electron with each hydrogen atom, and all the bonds are equivalent in terms of bond strength.

On the other hand, in ethene (C2H4), each carbon atom forms three single bonds with hydrogen and one double bond with the other carbon atom. The double bond consists of one sigma (σ) bond and one pi (π) bond. Here, the double bond contains more electron density between the carbon atoms compared to the single bonds. The presence of the π bond in addition to the σ bond generates greater electron density between the carbon atoms, making the bond stronger.

To support this explanation with references, you can consult reputable sources such as chemistry textbooks, scholarly articles, or online educational resources. These sources will provide detailed explanations of atomic structure, chemical bonding, and energy calculations related to bond strength.

Remember, understanding the basic principles of atomic structure and chemical bonding is key to explaining why the carbon-to-carbon bond energy in C2H4 is greater than in C2H6.