Multiply eight and eighty-eight hundredths by two and three tenths?

can show the work please.



You'll have three decimal points in the answer.

To multiply eight and eighty-eight hundredths (8.88) by two and three tenths (2.3), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
8.88 = 8 + 88/100 = 8 + 88/100 = 8 + 22/25 (by multiplying numerator and denominator by 11)
2.3 = 2 + 3/10 = 2 + 3/10 = 2 + 3/10 (no need to convert further)

Step 2: Multiply the fractions:
(8 + 22/25) * (2 + 3/10)

Step 3: Multiply the whole numbers:
8 * 2 = 16

Step 4: Multiply the fractions with the whole numbers:
8 * (3/10) = 24/10 or 12/5 (simplified fraction)

Step 5: Multiply the fractions with each other:
(22/25) * (3/10) = (22 * 3) / (25 * 10) = 66/250 or 33/125 (simplified fraction)

Step 6: Add the results from step 3, step 4, and step 5:
16 + 12/5 + 33/125

Step 7: Convert the fractions into a common denominator:
16 + 12/5 + 33/125 = (16 * 125) / 125 + (12 * 25) / 125 + 33/125
= (2000/125) + (300/125) + 33/125

Step 8: Add the fractions together:
(2000 + 300 + 33) / 125

Step 9: Simplify the fraction:

Therefore, the result of multiplying eight and eighty-eight hundredths by two and three tenths is 2333/125.