Is this a good thesis statement?

John Keats' odes and letters advance the Romantic literary movement through use of three common themes: living life to the fullest, overcoming hardships, and placing passion over reason.

It's fine.

Yes, the given thesis statement seems to be well-constructed and effective. It clearly presents the main argument or focus of the essay, which is that John Keats' odes and letters contribute to the advancement of the Romantic literary movement through the exploration of three common themes: living life to the fullest, overcoming hardships, and prioritizing passion over reason.

To verify if a thesis statement is strong, we can consider the following elements:

1. Clarity: The thesis statement in question is clear and specific in terms of the author (John Keats), the literary works being analyzed (odes and letters), and the three themes being examined (living life to the fullest, overcoming hardships, placing passion over reason). It provides a clear roadmap for the reader.

2. Focus: The thesis statement maintains a clear focus on the Romantic literary movement and how Keats contributes to it using specific themes. This helps ensure that the essay remains coherent and focused on a central idea.

3. Argumentative: The thesis statement makes a claim (i.e., that Keats' works advance the Romantic literary movement) and provides a basis for the argument. It implies that the essay will explore these three themes as evidence to support the claim, indicating a clear argumentative purpose.

Overall, the given thesis statement appears to fulfill these criteria and provides a solid foundation for an essay analyzing John Keats' odes and letters within the context of the Romantic literary movement.