Est-ce que tu preferes aller a Forte-1.De-France, a Annecy ou a Quebec? Pourquoi?

I do not know how to answer this question, what I want to say is that:
I would prefer to go to forte-de-france, a Annecy, and a Quebec because they are all beautiful places and ....?

2. Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui?
il fait du Soleil aujourd'hui.

3.Est-ce qu'il y a un defile dans ta ville? Quand?

Well Im not sure about this question, because I don't know if they have parades on Canada day, christmas or anything, what could I say?

4. Est-ce que tu telephones souvent?
Oui, je telephone souvent.

5. A qui est-ce que tu telephones?
je telephone ma famille et mes amis.

6. Ou est-ce que tu as envie d'etre maintenant?

je suis allee en hawaai.

If the word requires an accent mark, it must be there or it is incorrect.

1. Je préfère aller à Forte de France, à Annecy et à Québec parce qu'ils sont tous de beaux lieux.

2. soleil (not capitalized)

3. Je ne sais pas s'il y a un défile le Jour du Canada, le Noël ou n'importe quand.

4. je téléphone souvent

5. Je téléphone à ma famille et à mes amis.

6. J'a i envie d'être en Hawaii.

Sra (aka Mme)

1. J’aimerais visiter Fort-de-France, Annecy et Québec car ce sont des lieux touristiques où il y a beaucoup d’animation.

2. Il fait soleil aujourd’hui. (or : Il y a du soleil aujourd’hui)

3. Est-ce qu'il y a un défilé dans ta ville? Quand?

4. Est-ce que tu téléphones souvent?
Oui, je téléphone souvent.

5. A qui est-ce que tu téléphones?
Je téléphone à ma famille et à mes amis.

6. Où est-ce que tu as envie d'être maintenant?

Je suis allée à Hawaii.
(Où aimerais-tu aller ? J’aimerais aller à Hawaii.)

1 - « Car » exprime une justification, « parce que » exprime une cause.
3 – There’s a Carnival in Fort-de-France in February (Le carnaval de Fort-de-France)
There’s the Lake festival in Annecy in August ( La fête du lac d’Annecy)
Ther’s a parade in Canada on Canada day, the 1rst of July. (Le défilé de la Fête du Canada)
We say : aller à Hawaii ; aller à Quebec (Quebec city), but aller au Quebec (province of Quebec)

1. In order to answer the question of which place you prefer, you can consider factors such as the beauty of the location, the activities and attractions available, the cultural experiences, and personal preferences. You can research and gather information about Fort-de-France, Annecy, and Quebec to compare their characteristics and attractions. You can then make your judgment based on the information you find and your personal preferences. It's important to remember that everyone's preferences may vary, so your answer can be subjective.

2. To find out the current weather, you can check a reliable weather website or app. These platforms provide real-time weather updates for different locations. Input your current location or the specific city you want to know about, and it will display the current weather conditions. You can also check the local news or weather forecast on TV or radio.

3. To determine if there is a parade in your city and when it takes place, you can search online for local events or community calendars specific to your city. Another option is to check with your local government or community organizations to inquire about any upcoming parades or events. These sources are likely to have information on scheduled parades, including dates, times, and locations.

4. The question asks if you make phone calls often. To answer this, you can reflect on your own phone usage habits. Think about how frequently you use your phone for making calls and whether it can be considered "often." This answer will vary from person to person, and there is no definite criteria for what qualifies as "often." Therefore, you can answer honestly based on your own phone usage patterns.

5. To answer the question of whom you call, you can mention the specific groups of people you frequently call. For example, you can say that you often call your family and friends. Feel free to include any other relevant details, such as if you call them for specific reasons (catching up, seeking advice, etc.).

6. The question asks where you would like to be right now. In this case, you can answer by sharing your desired location. For example, if you want to be in Hawaii, you can say that you would like to be in Hawaii at the moment. Remember to be clear and concise in your response.